Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Harley is turning out to be a pretty cool little dog (as is his name). He is very mellow and loves to eat, and is growing so fast-as you can see from the photos where is sleeping quite a bit. He can already make it up the stairs, and is almost sleeping through the night (I'm not 100% sure on that one-Mike takes care of him at night-that's what you get when you bring home a new puppy without consulting your wife).
Him and Ginger are getting to be good friends, and even Alley cat is tolerating him, sometimes that is.

I love this time of year. It brings back such great memories as a child and it is so much fun now with my own kids making our own traditions. The Christmas tree is one of our favorite activities and we get a fresh one-no fake trees in our house. We find beautiful grand firs and the smell is fantastic. The kids and I have a great time decorating it.

Also on another note, Taylor has now lost 3 teeth and the other front one is loose!! He might be singing the song, "All I Want For Christmas is My Two Front Teeth". We call him Toothless Taylor. He thinks he is getting rich from that tooth angel!!

I have been wanting to do a gingerbread house with the kids for awhile so I decided this year they were both old enough to handle it. I bought this great kit with everything ready to go. We had a great time and I think we have begun a new tradition! I think I will stick with pre-made kits of gingerbread, it makes it much easier!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Yesterday my dear sweet husband surprised the kids and I with "an early Christmas present", like I couldn't see this one coming. We are now the proud parents of a 6 week old Dachtsund/Lab mix puppy that after much deliberation have named Harley (he's low to the ground and makes a LOT of noise). Of course the kids love him, Ginger is happy to have a playmate to drag around and I have something else to take care of. He is pretty cute...... See the excited look on my face? That is one that won't be getting any sleep for at least a week.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Taylor lost his first tooth on Saturday after it was loose for a really long time. The tooth next to it is very loose as is two of his front teeth. The tooth fairy brought 75 cents on Sunday morning and Taylor put it directly in his piggybank, my good little saver! I can't believe how different he already looks, and will look after he starts getting his permanent teeth in there.

Thursday, November 9, 2006

On October 28th, my family lost a dear young man, my cousin Dan. Ever since I can remember, our families have gathered together, and I have so many fond memories of playing with my cousins: Kate, Sarah, Dan & Becky. His heart stopped beating in his sleep from complications of a heart condition and he was only 25. We are all so sad and will miss such a funny, good hearted and awesome son, brother, cousin, nephew and friend.

Taylor is very proud of his Cub Scout uniform-so handsome!

This is Hannah and her favorite stuffed animal-her elephant katie. Katie goes everywhere with us and we even have to set a plate at mealtimes for her. Pretty funny.

I'm a little late getting these photos up of my Care Bear and Knight. Aren't they cute?

Monday, October 30, 2006

I went to my first PC party last month and got some really great products, so my sister and I are hosting a party on November 9th. If anyone would like to get some of these fabulous cooking products, please go to http://www.pamperedchef.biz/ezchef and order under my host's website. I am hoping to get some of their as my hostess gift. If you've never used their baking stone, it's awesome for cookies, biscuits, pizza-keeps everything golden brown on the bottom, not burnt.

Friday, October 27, 2006

We carved our pumpkins last night and had so much fun! Mike is a natural-his pumpkin is on the left. He used the stem as the nose for a witch. I just love fall!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Kids are just so easy to keep happy. This tent provided endless hours of fun all weekend. First it was set up outside where Taylor and Hannah were in it almost until dark. Then we moved it inside and the kids got to sleep in it Saturday night in the living room. They were so excited and just loved it. Throw in some hot chocolate and popcorn and we are all smiles!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

My sister had a holiday card party. You make several of your own cards and then trade with the other people there. I ended up with 6 really cute cards. Wow, I was so impressed at all the supplies the other ladies had. They knew what they were doing! They all came with half their cards done or at least cut out. In three hours, I only got about 4 done. It took a long time to assemble and cut and everything. Plus I had to figure out how to "ink edges", emboss and do the paper cutter. It was really fun. I think I might make the leap to scrapbooking. Half the fun is the paper store with all their goodies, plus they have classes. Taylor's baby book is callling!

The kids had a great time with our friends the Sumpters (Sam & Sarah are the kids). They got to go in the corn maze, pet pigs and goats, go on a hayride, and play in the courtyard which had rides, slides and more. I think this is my favorite time of year.

Monday, October 9, 2006

Friday, September 1, 2006


Yes, the kids started school
(and might I say are they so cute or what?)
Taylor is in first grade and Hannah in pre-school.
Yes, I've had all summer to get ready for it.

But I'll never be fully prepared for the comments, attitudes and overall grown-up actions they are already displaying for me. I just feel sad that their not entirely mine, I have to share them. I guess I knew the day would come. I know I'm pathetic, for goodness sake Taylor was in kindergarten last year. But there was a sweet innocence and sheltered aspect of it, they never really interact with the big kids.
I guess I should just get used to all of this. Soon they'll be off to college and I'll be weeping for a month.

Anyway, welcome to my blog. I feel so modern and hip. But the pathetic thing is I am probably the only one that read this. I gotta keep up though, I'm only 30 for goodness sake and it's an easy way to keep people updated and get pics up there of the family. Not like our lives are so exciting. Just busy. With school starting, comes soccer, gymnastic, church activities and business is really good for me.
Who know when I will write in here next, but for now I'll just keep adding photos and maybe checking back to see if anyone has read.

Take care everyone out there in eblogger space!