Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Harley is turning out to be a pretty cool little dog (as is his name). He is very mellow and loves to eat, and is growing so fast-as you can see from the photos where is sleeping quite a bit. He can already make it up the stairs, and is almost sleeping through the night (I'm not 100% sure on that one-Mike takes care of him at night-that's what you get when you bring home a new puppy without consulting your wife).
Him and Ginger are getting to be good friends, and even Alley cat is tolerating him, sometimes that is.
I love this time of year. It brings back such great memories as a child and it is so much fun now with my own kids making our own traditions. The Christmas tree is one of our favorite activities and we get a fresh one-no fake trees in our house. We find beautiful grand firs and the smell is fantastic. The kids and I have a great time decorating it.
Also on another note, Taylor has now lost 3 teeth and the other front one is loose!! He might be singing the song, "All I Want For Christmas is My Two Front Teeth". We call him Toothless Taylor. He thinks he is getting rich from that tooth angel!!
I have been wanting to do a gingerbread house with the kids for awhile so I decided this year they were both old enough to handle it. I bought this great kit with everything ready to go. We had a great time and I think we have begun a new tradition! I think I will stick with pre-made kits of gingerbread, it makes it much easier!