Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Hannah is now 5!! I can't believe it. Since she loves serving tea to her stuffed animals, I decided to do a tea party for her birthday party. I think I had as much fun as her, but I did get a little carried away-there are so many details to think of. She also got a separate family party on her actual birthday, she got her choice of dinner (spaghetti and meatballs), presents from family and a cake I made.
We had 6 girls all together and they came dressed in their favorite dress-I even got Hannah in a dress! We had a make-up table and lots of extra dress up accessories. They each got a paper fan and beads, and then my Mom and sister helped apply eyeshadow, blush, glitter, lip gloss and perfume to each guest. We then had the tea party.They had place mats with their names on the same paper teapots I had made for the invitations. I had real tea sets for them all to drink and serve out of. They were so mannerly-please and thank yous everywhere. We served the food (sugar cookies, fruit kabobs, cheese kabos, flower shaped sandwiches, crackers, mints and their choice of Chai tea, apple juice or milk), and then opened presents, and then had birthday cupcakes and some extra games before parents came for pick up. I had paper purse party favors to go home with each girl. It was a great party (but a LOT of work.)
Well I am a BIG slacker and haven't posted since before Thanksgiving. It's hard to make this blog at the top of my priority list with so many other things going on! So here is holiday season 2007. Hannah's preschool has a Christmas program every year, and this year and last year Hannah did NOT sing, so there is a lovely picture with her arms folded and eyes rolling. The kids finally got their computer hooked up and moved downstairs in the kitchen area and were so excited. Now they can play their computer games and visit their favorite websites while we can see everything they are doing! We think it's a good plan for as they get older-no privacy!
We had a great Christmas Eve dinner at our house (prime rib + fixin's), and the kids got to do their gift exchange-this year they all bought presents with their own money and picked out themselves, they did a great job. We also made some very nice looking sugar cookies, a tradition that is always fun. We did a gingerbread house earlier as well, as it's a bit sloppier than last years.
. I only got 2 pictures on Christmas Day-I was too busy enjoying myself. Overall it was a wonderful time with the fam!