Monday, April 21, 2008

I have to admit that turning 30 was a really big step for me and there was some mourning of the passing of my youth and the "20's". But nothing really prepares you for the perspective of children. Yesterday, Taylor asked me "when you were a little girl, were there cars, or just mostly steam engines...and did you have a phone?"

I was trying hard not to laugh as I answered his question that yes, there were cars, they just looked a little different.
Oh these silly kids of mine, they grow up so fast. I'll have to write that one down to save for later.
We are reading one of my favorite books as a kid from one of my most favorite authors as a kid, Judy Blume's Superfudge, at night before the kids go to bed. Hannah and Taylor laugh and think the main character is so funny, he calls his little brother names and gets grossed out by his little sister's diapers and they just giggle and giggle. Sometimes I am reminded of how simple life can be at times with them. We are moving on to Little House on the Prairie after Superfudge, my all-time favorite as a kid. I think I read that whole series at least 3 times through by the time I was ten.
I am really thankful the kids love to read as much I do!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

It is a beautiful day today-the sun is out and we are so ready for Spring!!
Mike is teaching Taylor the joys of lawn care, while I am teaching him the joys of cleaning bathrooms. That is what Saturdays are for in this house!
I have been busy with Rendi and our kids product-we have been cutting and cutting rolls and pages of cirlces. Soon, we will get to start selling RK Kids learning product but for now there is lots to be done!

Hannah and I are working on growing her hair out and she is so excited we can now get her hair into two pigtails and that is the requested hairstyle mostly everyday.

March was great-we got to see Sean. He came for a two week visit, and sadly I did not get any pictures, what a BAD sister I am!! We really enjoyed his time here.
The kids also had Spring Break the last week of March and we filled the week with a variety of activies that they chose: baking project, going to the library, going to see "Horton Hears a Who" movie, going with Brendan and Spencer to the Birds of Prey World Center (we spent 2 hours learning all about raptors, we all had a blast), going on an inside treasure hunt, and most importantly: SLEEPING IN AND ENJOYING OUR TIME TOGETHER!! Even if the weather didn't really cooperate!

I have a hard time getting in here regularly to update pics, so here is life since January!
Rob's visit (& 40th birthday celebration), Taylor's birthday, a field trip and Taylor's music program.