Wednesday, August 27, 2008

We have had a nice summer, but now back to school!! YEAH!!
Taylor is starting third grade and has Mr. Levy for his teacher. Because of overcrowding, instead of going to Hubbard Elementary that is K-3, he goes right next door about 200 ft. away at Teed Elementary that is normally 4-5 grades, but this year gets 2 third grade classes. It will be a nice change for him to have a male teacher and he was really excited to start (although the photos don't really capture that happiness).

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
My fabulous friend gave the family a tie-dyed T-shirt kit TWO years ago as a gift at Christmas. It was about time I used it, so yesterday the kids were very excited to make them. This month's Parent's Magazine just happened to have an awesome article all about tie-dying and how to make different patterns and so we all picked out our patterns and the kids picked out colors. Then we rubber banded around, rubber gloved up and dyed away. With only fushia, turquoise and yellow you can get every color in the rainbow.
It was so much fun, like every project we do I enjoy it as much as they do! Here is our results! We wore our shirts today and we all love them.
So here is each shirt and the pattern used. We've decided Taylor's "Bullseye" is the best.
Hannah's was the "rosette" and if she had done one color you could see the circles better, but Hannah could not do just one color, she had to do them all and some more!
I picked the "spiral" pattern and was only going to do one color-pink- but when you are at a table with two other children doing their shirts, it's hard not to get their colors on yours, so here is my attempt.
Mike was at work, so I got to do his shirt for him, he picked out the colors and pattern-this one is called the "diagonal stripe". I love the blue fading to green! I think his is a close second to Taylor's for how it turned out.
That was so fun I want to DYE some more stuff!
Hannah just loves to "do" my hair. I would love it if she loved me to do her hair but these things don't work out like that in our house. So today Hannah gave me pony tails and was so excited we had to get photos. She wanted to "do my make-up" but that only happens when I don't have to leave the house for any reason!
So I tried to use my negotiating skills to try something out new on her hair but all I got to do was more ponytails:And fifteen minutes later when she got mad at me for something, she ripped them out. Good thing I got one photo.
When she was still happy she even thought that maybe Ginger, our very patient dog, would appreciate getting accessorized with a headband (she even does this to the cat).
Why is my daughter so stubborn about her hair? I am NOT looking forward to when school starts and I have to endure daily drama to get it done (and no I am not cutting it off, that does not resolve anything, she still has to have barrettes or something to keep it out of her face).