Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Lately I have been feeling less-creative and a lot LESS inspired. That added to the fact that I am working 2 crummy part-time jobs to put some chaching in my bank account can really start making a girl feel a little whiny. Why don't I have as many projects to work on, where are my clients and why is nobody calling me back for the graphic design jobs I have put my apps in for??
So I was polishing my resume today and going through some files and found some of my past work. I really felt good looking at it, I felt proud to know I had designed those things and that was my CREATIVITY at work.
So I thought just for fun, I would post some of my work. I am still creative, I have still got it and even though things are slow right now doesn't mean I am any less of what I aspire to BE! And that is what just got me phone call with a 10 hour project coming my way! Yeah!

I have done for them

Friday, February 13, 2009
Well, every year about this time (ESPECIALLY WHEN I LIVED IN SEATTLE) I start climbing the walls with cabin fever, winter blues-blahs, etc due to lack of sunshine and warm temps. The kids get a 5 day weekend for president's day and teacher workshops, so I thought it was a good opportunity to do something different. On Wednesday, I got home from work, picked up Hannah and surprised them with the news we were going to a hotel for the night. Oh kids, they are just so easy to please. They were so excited, they had been asking for awhile to do that. So we checked in, had a swim (the only ones in the pool), went to Red Robin for dinner, did a little clearance shopping at Old Navy, got lots of treats, and went back to our hotel room to jump on the beds and rot our brains with TV until 10:30...all things we are never allowed to do.
I have to say I had just as much fun as the kids. Then we got up, had a great breakfast, had another swim (only ones in there) and then went and saw this movie (again, the only ones in there):
It was a great little break, we wanted to stay another night but I had to work. I'm sure next year about this time we will do the same thing again, maybe we can make it for a weekend instead of just one night. We are really ready for spring!!
Oh another good note, soon I will be taking pictures again. My camera is arriving Monday, I can hardly wait! I decided on a Canon Powershot SX110 IS. Woohoo!