Sunday, January 31, 2010

For the past two months my family and I have had to watch a wonderful woman battle the ravages of cancer. We've gathered to make her comfortable, tell her how much she means to us and work together as a family to conclude a full life. My dear Grandma went home to be with the Lord on January 29th. I sat beside her and watched her breathe her last breath. It was beyond difficult, but it was also amazing to watch how the Lord prepared her, cradled her and took all of her pain away. Her last moments, she was saying " give it away". She understood that she need not bring anything, that He is the supplier of all. He ministered to her heart those last moments and what an incredible thing to witness. Two days before she died she said, "Now I understand, now I understand how I can leave." What amazing things she must have seen.
She left all of us with so many loving memories, her family was the center of her life. She took care of me as a little girl (I spent LOTS of time at her house) and no matter what was happening in my little life, she took the time to listen, to care, to make me feel like I was a special person in her life, and continued to do that as I grew older. She loved spending time with my kids and Hannah and her had the same bond I did when I was little with her. I will miss her so much but I have those memories of a wonderful, strong woman who was always telling me how pretty I was, what a good Mom I was, always listening. When I asked my son what he loved the most about his Great-Grandma, he said "I just liked to spend time with her". I think that sums it up right there. She had a full life of people that enjoyed the same thing, just spending time with her.
I love you my dear sweet Grandma, thank you for being everything a Grandma could be: loving, encouraging, thoughtful and understanding. I know you are in Heaven with your husband and family, and one day I will see you again.

My Mom and Grandma,summer 2006
Thursday, January 21, 2010

I just haven't had a moment to get on here to post.
Life has a way of happening and lately there has been too much happening to even catch my breath.
But on we go to Hannah who lost her first tooth, started ballet/tap classes and turned 7! She is a busy girl these days.
Mike decided to torture her and a week before her birthday told her we had a special surprise for her. She was out of control asking every waking moment. Since she loves clothing so much (oh the color and pattern combinations!), my mom suggested I take her to the mall for a shopping trip just the two of us and let her pick out what she wants and take her to lunch. Well, it sounded great, but maybe in about 5 years that will be a better idea. She had a cold and only made it until 2pm and she didn't want to try on anymore clothes. But she did enjoy the morning and picked out a neon green outfit that looked like she belonged in 1985, some cute boots, plaid bermuda shorts, lots of shirts and Hannah Montana slippers. It was fun to see what she liked, Gap was her least favorite store (is this MY daughter?). We ended up with lots of new clothes.

We got Panda Express for dinner (her choice) and went to Mom's, who was recovering and couldn't drive. She opened more gifts-a Hello Kitty watch, PJ's, a sweater she won't take off from her Grandma Carol and from my mom a scarf and hat, a new dress from Aunt Laura, a shopping trip to Build a Bear, and some dollhouse people from us (thank you Ebay!).
Kids are so easy.
So without further ado, I will now post a million pictures.

Saturday, January 2, 2010
That's right, every new year I think of goals and things I want to accomplish, things to change, BUT this year brings none. I will just be enjoying my life, living every day to the fullest and appreciating all that I have. Whether I lose a few extra pounds or finally get around to playing the piano sitting in my living room is not going to make or break me.
Ahh, now I feel better. Boo to you resolutions.
Happy 2010!! Here's to a NEW decade filled with possibilities!
I can't help but think back to 10 years ago: I was sitting in a new apartment as a newlywed, one month away from having a baby. Although Mike and I were on a roller coaster of life changes that most people experience over the course of a few years and not MONTHS, my life was about to be changed forever, and more dramatically by a cute (and not very little) baby boy. Since then we have pursued careers, bought two homes and restored one, had a baby girl, moved out of state and watched our children grow. How short time is, how fast things change and what a thrill it is to watch it all.
Can't wait to see what happens in the next 10 years!