Monday, April 25, 2011
Hannah has inherited from her list-making parents: the importance of daily lists. Today I got up to make the kids breakfast and Hannah had her "to-do list for the day" sitting there. She was going on a much anticipated field trip, so I guess she didn't want to forget anything?
A Day in the life of an 8-year old
Hannah's To Do List:
- Wake-up
- Brush hair
- Eat Breakfast
- get shoes on
- get hudy (hoodie) on
- get backpack
- ride to school
- lock bike
- go to line
- go in classroom
- eat breakfast
- go on field trip
- look at things
- eat lunch
- look more
- go home
- watch TV
- do homework
- listen to music
- eat dinner
- eat disert (dessert)
- listen to music!
- brush teeth
- take shower
- get close (clothes)
- sleep
Friday, April 22, 2011
NO I'm not Oprah and I can't give away thousands of free products, BUT I can list right now, this minute, a few of my favorite things:
- Instagram photo app for the iPhone-haven't figured out yet how to get the pics onto my computer but when I do I will share them! That's a sample on the those filters!
- People that are doing something about our nation's childhood OBESITY-thank you to Jamie Oliver and organizations like this one-we will be subscribing
- It's Good Friday today and the song Hero by Abandon just about sums up everything
- skinny vanilla lattes that have half the syrup, therefore allowing me to drink more of them with less calories
- THE SUN IS OUT and the birds are singing-ahhhh
- my new favorite recipe to try
- My May magazine is almost completely done and meeting a deadline is definitely a favorite thing!
- Baja style grilled fish tacos from Chronicle tacos-the lime, the cilantro, YUM!
- Google business app services for my e-mail-may I NEVER lose another e-mail again!!
- Getting my e-mail on my iPhone-how handy is that?
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Hannah got three teeth pulled last week. I made Mike take her so my dentist "anxiety" didn't rub off on her. She is deathly afraid of needles so I told Mike to have fun! I figured I had to endure all baby shots and kindergarten shots on both kids, so it could be his turn and he did it with a smile. Hannah did great (I was really worried we would have to go the anesthesia route), I love her dentist. Two of her teeth were huge, they looked like shark teeth. She needed ibuphrophen for a couple days but the worst part was when she was numb, she chewed up a quarter-sized circle on her lower lip/cheek. Poor girl. She will get a spacer appliance put on the lower teeth, then three more pulled on top and another spacer. It could be a long summer. We haven't told her about more being pulled on the top in a couple months. Maybe they will just get loose on their own. We can only hope.

It says..Dear Mom, Please fix my teddy bear's arm with your sowing stuff it is in the cubburd besid the dish washer in the back. Love Hannah
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See how the left arm looks a little weird-that would be the one I "sewed". |
The other night Taylor and I were laying on my bed having the nicest conversation. I can't believe how much my boy is growing up. He is like a little encyclopedia-he loves information and facts. He gets library books from the adult section about wildlife, history, etc. So he was explaining to me how he has enjoyed reading about the difference between the ancient Chinese civilization and Mayans and citing facts and his opinions. Then we turned to some current events. I get the paper everyday and he likes reading it. I love that. Then we turned to spiritual matters, new movies out. It was so nice to talk to him. The words he chooses are so adult like. We were talking about the big Royal wedding and how sick of it we were to read and hear about it, and he says "Mom, I'm bewildered by the fact people are just so excited about it. It's just a marriage." Bewildered. Oh he is so great, this boy of mine.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
I was spontaneous (yes! just like the "old" me!) and suggested we go to Nevada to visit Mike's family over spring break week. What a great idea! It is so nice to get away from home and all it's projects and cleaning and working. We planned on leaving Sunday since I did our annual hotel stay with the kids on Friday but our dates were mixed up and we needed to be in Nevada by Sunday for Mike's brother's party. So we had our hotel stay, quickly packed and left on Saturday. I'm glad I can still be flexible :-)
We ate well, enjoyed time with family, did lots of shopping (outlet mall= sketchers store, Gap outlet, Ann Taylor!), had a dinner without kids (!), saw a couple movies (Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2 was hilarious!), and enjoyed beautiful weather. I am also very happy to say I worked out 4 days with Mike!
Since Grandma and Grandpa have a pony, chickens, a goat and three dogs we didn't see Hannah much. She was either trotting with the pony or *watching* the chickens lay eggs. She is such a farm girl at heart. Taylor got sick of course, and watched marathon hours of Cartoon Network (we don't get that channel thank goodness). I discovered Scrabble on Mike's Kindle. I love that game. We went auctioning (is that a word?) with Mike's parents and I bid on a desk for Hannah. An older style with lots of beautiful detail that includes a hutch. We won!! It's ours! I have grand plans of stripping it, re-painting it white to match her room and replacing the old hardware. I can't wait, she needs a desk and a space to make all her creative artwork. I also won a brand new dutch oven.
After a whole week of leisure, it's back to the grind! I shouldn't have ended that sentence with a ! because I'm not too excited to get back to our normal routine. Oh well, such is life. And there's that school and work thing we can't seem to shake off. At least our dogs were very excited to have us back home.