Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Just had to show off a project I've been working on since July for a client I've been working with for awhile. She makes lovely skin products (her Coconut Lime sugar scrub is amazing!). I did a whole re-do of her logo and product labeling. It turned out so beautiful-look at that silver!
To see all of her products go to www.plumhill.net. They really are quality stuff.
Friday, September 21, 2012
My name is Kristi Case and I approve of this message.
Haha. No seriously, I am so SICK of hearing about the upcoming presidential election, and it's not even October yet. We still have to endure annoying debates, last minute efforts and LOTS and LOTS of commericals. And bumper stickers. And news coverage. And photos. And lying, backstabbing, cheating and fighting.
Where has our country gone to? How about we take the billions spent on the campaigns and donate it to a good cause or put in the USA bank account? It's so disgusting.
All anybody wants to do is point out the other side's mistakes and complain. They both do it. I'm not saying which political party I'm leaning towards because honestly, there is lots of problems with both candidates.
When did the people of this nation put everything on a president? Yes, he is the leader of our country and makes lots of important decisions that affect us. But he is only part of the big picture. What if we worked together to make things work? Be a part of our community, help our neighbor? Changing the atmosphere of the US starts in our own back yard. Not with the president. He is just the face. Instead of calling each other out for our opinions, why not work towards a solution?
Critical, critical, critical.
While both parties rant about what the other party isn't doing or how they've messed up, aren't we missing out on what does need to be done? When did being nasty become accepted? Both Republicans and Democrats are guilty. Radio stations, talk shows and publications that focus on just complaining about the political party they don't like is so disappointing.
It takes a lot to change something and the President can't do it on his own, no matter who he is. I will be voting in November but I'm not really excited about who I'm voting for.
I'm not voting based on:
- Race
- Sex
- Political Party or
- Gender
But I DO know I will be watching Saturday Night Live's version of this election because it is hilarious to see how well they make fun of these guys. Really funny.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
The kids and I did this project last year. You can enjoy all the colors of fall throughout the winter.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Here are some pics from my iphone that I thought I would share.
Happy voter. Our community passed a much needed education bond. That's me and my "I Voted" sticker. I was trying to look as cheesy as possible. Did I pass?
Taylor's current favorite place. That kid really loves to climb things-fences, walls, trees, rocks. I guess he's trying out the phrase 'practice makes perfect.'
My favorite time of day. Every day the kids come home from school and most of the time I'm working in my office. So, they sit on the love seat, with the dogs and tell me about their day at school, what homework they had, etc. Love it.
Sweet fresh peaches. Peaches are in season, and I am eating them up as fast as possible. With cottage cheese, in cereal, sprinkled with cinnamon, or my favorite pictured above: with greek yogurt, granola and cinnamon. Yum.

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Deer came down two nights we were there. |
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Silly boy! |