Thursday, June 5, 2008

It is amazing to see the differences in my two kiddos. When Taylor was in kindergarten we (Mike and I) decided he was just too old for training wheels and so we slowly bent them up since he wasn't using them much anyway. You would have thought we asked him to willingly agree to a series of shots in the arm. He was so scared and freaked out. Slowly but surely, we raised them up more and one day took them off. After that is was a couple of days of him figuring it out and us coaching along side him.
Today after Mike came home, Hannah declared, " Dad, take my training wheels off!"

I guess the pressure of seeing three other girls in the neighborhood her age on bikes minus training wheels was getting to her. Mike took them off and after 2 rounds of us holding her, she got it!!

As I write this, she is riding happily back and forth on the sidewalk while ringing her bell. It is just too funny! She can be stubborn and a little strong-willed, but when that girl makes up her mind, that is it.

Taylor approaches things a bit more slowly and thought out.

I also have pics here of our Memorial Day hike on the Oregon Trail Reserve in Boise.

The kids got to see actual wagon wheel tracks and learn all about the hardships of being a pioneer.

I would really loved to have pictures of Hannah's graduation on here, but in a moment of being "independent" shall we say, she sat the ENTIRE time in the audience watching her obedient classmates get their diplomas and sing really cute songs on stage. So no pictures for Mom. Oh, well, I can think of greater hardships!

Summer is here now and let the fun begin! Let's see if by August it's still fun!