Wednesday, July 30, 2008

We had a GREAT time. We always enjoy getting together with the family and
the kids had a blast with their cousins.

We went to Carson City first where we spent the night and got to love on the newest member of the family- C.C. the 7 week old Shitzu puppy (I probably messed up that spelling!). Hannah loved her and "babysat" her the whole time. She is pretty cute!
Then we drove up to Lake Tahoe for 5 days-it was beautiful as always and about 10 degrees cooler than Idaho.

We had a perfect spot on the beach with a shade tent and got to stay in Carol and Charlie's really nice trailer in a campground across from the lake. We also had showers at the camp ground!! Pretty swanky. Hopefully we will get to do this again next year, the kids love getting to play at the lake, camp, ride bikes and this year they got to catch craw-dads. I stayed in the shade and didn't get the nasty sunburn like I did last year. Saturday night we had a full camp with about 7 adults and 8 kids and on Sunday we had a party for Jacob's birthday.

He had fun, I know he did and the kids loved having him there.

Monday, July 21, 2008
Oh, how I love that place called the Melting Pot....have you been there? Set aside 2-3 hours, find some great people to go with and bring your appetite.
We celebrated Rendi's late birthday so her, Mom and I went for dinner tonight and what a treat. It was delicious. So if you haven't been to a fondue place, go!! You'll love it. I even felt a little crazy and went for the Turtle fondue that has pecans in it-as a NON-NUT person I thought it would be icky but it was fabulous and the perfect ending to a great dinner and night!
The other part of her birthday was us all going to Mamma Mia on Friday night! What a treat-a!
As a long fan of ABBA (mom played it every Saturday on the RECORD player while we cleaned house when I was a kid), we sang along to all the songs and laughed-it was really funny. I love Abba's songs so much when I took video editing in college I did my own version of a "Dancing Queen" video and that played at my graduation portfolio review-I was the only one that didnt' get sick of hearing that song all day.
It was a fun movie and a huge change from "The Dark Knight" I saw Saturday night with my friend Heather, I'll take Mamma Mia anyday!
So it was great to spend a couple nights with my Mom and my sister-we truly enjoy each other's company-and even had some lively discussions in there as well-some say arguments, in our family we say discussions :-)
Friday, July 11, 2008
That is correct, you heard me right. We are excited to be in a local store here in Kuna, as well as one in Eagle. The store owners seem to be as enthusiastic as we are about our new product that we have put MANY hours into. They said things like, "Great product, so unique, put together so well". Like music to our ears.
So stay tuned for more updates.
We are hoping to be on Oprah soon!
There is nothing wrong with dreaming LARGE! I am hoping to add some more stores when we go to Carson City in a couple weeks. There are some great specialty kids stores in Reno, maybe I can find a place when we are at Lake Tahoe.
(I really am enjoying caps lock and bold today, please excuse my over use of it!)
Sunday, July 6, 2008
If you answered they were all taken awhile ago in the fall, you would be...WRONG!
If you answered they are 6 year old pictures that haven't yet found a place in a family albumn....DING DING DING, you are the winner with the correct answer!
Yes, these photos plus 3 SHOE BOXES full of photos all need a home. I have no picture albumns for my kids to look back on the good ole' days of when they were babies, as they ask.
A project I have been meaning to do has just really gotten out of control and now I have SIX YEARS to catch up on, time goes by fast when you are dreading a project.
If anybody reads this and has some easy solutions to making a scrapbook look fabulous without spending an hour on every single page, PLEASE let me know. I am going to arrange everything in chronological order and will spend time on special events, but the regular everyday type pictures, I just want to glue the suckers on a page and be done.
I better get started!
Saturday, July 5, 2008

We started the day out with a hike (including the dogs) and were having a great time until Hannah fell down and bloodied up her knees. So we had lunch and came back home.
Then I took them swimming in Indian Creek, just what we needed on a hot day!

The pictures says it all. Hannah tries to keep up with her brother and cousins, but the age difference and the fact she is a girl, leaves her by herself at times. They decided to read one day while the boys were over and Hannah asked to join. They said there was just no room on the couch, but my determined girl made a place and read her books.
Sometimes it's hard being the only girl!