Sunday, July 6, 2008
If you answered they were all taken awhile ago in the fall, you would be...WRONG!
If you answered they are 6 year old pictures that haven't yet found a place in a family albumn....DING DING DING, you are the winner with the correct answer!
Yes, these photos plus 3 SHOE BOXES full of photos all need a home. I have no picture albumns for my kids to look back on the good ole' days of when they were babies, as they ask.
A project I have been meaning to do has just really gotten out of control and now I have SIX YEARS to catch up on, time goes by fast when you are dreading a project.
If anybody reads this and has some easy solutions to making a scrapbook look fabulous without spending an hour on every single page, PLEASE let me know. I am going to arrange everything in chronological order and will spend time on special events, but the regular everyday type pictures, I just want to glue the suckers on a page and be done.
I better get started!
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