Saturday, March 28, 2009
The kids enjoyed spring break this past week and I am certainly glad it is over.
Being a little uber organized, I decided to make a calendar of our week. I had a lot of design projects and knew I would be working in my office A LOT so....
I thought it would be a great idea to show the kids each day and the times of the week, the times I worked, AND the times they got to do fun things as well (so they wouldn't bug me endlessly while I was trying to work).
What I didn't realize, is that my schedule was CRAZY!!! Way too many things and not enough time made for a stressed out, time deprived Momma all week long. I was gone EVERY night to work or church functions, getting home at 1-2AM in the morning after work. Lesson learned.
Prior to spring break schedule, I made a crazy spring cleaning list made in hopes to get the deep cleaning done by April end. Notice how much I have actually done.....(Taylor had to do some of it as a punishment for misbehaving).
So me and my list-i-ness will have to calm down. Somebody save me from myself quickly.
We did do some fun things during spring break. Each of the kids picked a recipe to make and Taylor picked homemade monkey bread and got to learn the ins and outs of working with yeast.

(this advertisement paid for by Kitchen Aid)

The exciting part was punching down this beautiful dough and then rolling it in balls.

Also here is a funny picture of our very own dog/cat whisperer:

Note they do not do this with me, the one who trained them as puppies, were with them all the time and walks them most of the time.
My other obsession: this lady (you might have seen her on the news or in the paper) who can feed her family of 5 for $140 a month. Coupons- here I come! This week's hot item, cereal at Albertsons for less than $1 per box. Using her advice I went and got our weeks groceries at Albertsons and at the bottom of the receipt it said I saved $97!! So it does work, takes time clipping, planning and understanding how to use the coupons WITH deals but I love a shopping challenge and so does the dwindling bank account.
On another note about saving money, Mike and I just signed up for a 12 week course called "Financial Peace" by Dave Ramsey. I am really excited we are embarking on a journey to work together and get out of debt, have peace about our finances and build wealth!! Thanks Melanie to recommending this!!
I'm such a list maker to. There's nothing quite like the feeling of checking something off of the list. I suppose the only thing better is having EVERYTHING crossed off the list! :) That bread looked delicious... makes me hungry! I love the picture of the animal whisperer (I think that's what you called him). That is too funny!
You need to slow down that listiness- I grew out of it with time and too much to do. I have ocassional lists that are never quite finished.
Are the in-laws gone? Is that house cleaned? What are you making me for Sunday dinner??? It stinks when we don't talk to each other often enough even though we live in the same town!
Trev and I just read Dave Ramsese book - total money makeover and we LOVED it!! We got past step one - all ready to move on to step two (debt snowballing) and we lost the transmission on our truck!! Darn it! Looks like tax returns will be buying us a new car instead of knocking out debt. What a bummer eh?! Good luck to you on that 12 week course. Let us all know how it is coming.
that looks so any left? and you really didnt get paid by kitchenaid did you?
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