Saturday, June 6, 2009
Yes, our family loves pizza. At one time we were speed dialing our local Pizza Hut every week, but since our new ahem, budget plan has taken place, wasting $25 a week on pizza is a total waste of money. We've been making our pizza for awhile now, and occasionally we call up PH, but most Friday nights will find us munching on our own. I am trying to use more wheat flour in my baking to make it healthier so I tried this our last batch and I wanted to try and freeze it.
MISSION SUCCESSFUL! Mike and I had a baking day a couple weeks ago and made 4 crusts, wrapped them up and froze them. Now I just take them out, let them rise 2-3 hours, top and bake. SOOOOOO good and no one has said anything about the wheat flour. So Monday I will be adding to our dough supply and make about 6 crusts. It is so nice on Fridays to get out the crust and just add toppings. Dinner done. Our weekly menus now have two days that are the same every week and I only have to think of 5 other things. Friday pizzas and sandwich Tuesdays. Life is good.
I'll have to start hiring you to make my crusts and menus! Are you looking for buyers???
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