Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I haven't had time lately to do any major coupon shopping, plus there haven't been any deals that are really exciting to drag me to Albertsons on a Wednesday morning. I've just been getting by with weekly store deals. So when Albertson's rolled out three deals WITH catalinas today, I just couldn't resist. The store I went to was well-stocked and I got all my catalinas.
Here is what I bought for about $38-it could have been closer to $32 but I forgot to use two doublers and forgot a coupon. Oh, well-I have learned not to obsess over that kind of stuff, I got what I wanted at a good price. Also I have another $15.50 in catalinas to use on my next trip. I love that store!!I don't normally buy fruit snacks, in fact, I haven't bought them for about 3 years, but again for .10 each box, I couldn't resist. I got 20 boxes, and I will treat them like candy for my kids-only occasional treats as there is not much "fruit" in them. I also don't normally buy frozen juice but for .50 each, they are good to have on hand. This is the benefit of having a well stocked freezer and pantry. I didn't need anything I bought (except the creamer), but I used my money for the week on things we will use in the future, at rock bottom prices.
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