Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Here is life lately in no particular order: 

 *Cute baby Karsten (my nephew)

* Smoothie fever (we have discovered fresh mangos!), look at how EXCITED taylor is
* Swallow nest on our porch-we are anxiously awaiting baby birds

*Hannah's amazing 80's fashion complete with make-up. The amazing thing is she has seen no photos or been trained in 80's fashion in any way, just her style.

* Hannah losing teeth

* Hannah's homemade pinatas (because she had a dream about happy spanish people and wanted to make one out of paper of course!) that is leading to making a *real* pinata

* Discovering we really just don't like polenta. I've made it twice and wasted some fresh mozzerella by the way.  Not again.


Rendi said...

What a cute baby! Love the 80's fashion...makes me want to gear up too. Maybe that should be my Halloween costume this year! Will Hannah lend me some bling???

Rendi said...

What a cute baby! Love the 80's fashion...makes me want to gear up too. Maybe that should be my Halloween costume this year! Will Hannah lend me some bling???