Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mike has his annual review at work today.  He has been busting butt at work really hard-puts in lots of extra hours (he is salaried), being extremely efficient and proving to all those that need his skills they can depend on Mike to do his job efficiently and well.  I am so proud of him!! He got a promotion with a raise and kuddos from the boss.
We are excited to see that debt snowball really start taking off. For the first time since we've had kids we can breath a little easier. 
I'm so glad I have a partner that loves his work, does it well and provides for us.

I'll stop gushing now, I promise.

Love you sweets!


Rendi said...

That is so awesome! I'm glad to see hard work pay off! Now the question is...will he stop keeping the crazy hours he has been doing????