Sunday, June 19, 2011

I'm so grateful today that my kids have this guy for a father to celebrate today with.  Our journey into surprise (!) parenthood started out a little rocky but along the way I've been able to see Mike become a Dad that is patient (always when I am not), loving, silly (oh the endless wrestling!), a teacher (he knows much more stuff than I do) and a wonderful provider for our family.  I am so fortunate to have him by my side.  From the beginning we said it was a partnership and he has shown me that we are indeed in this together.  When I can't do something or need help, Mike steps in, and vice versa.  It's a pretty awesome feeling to know he's "got my back".  There are always bumps along the way, and many things we don't see eye to eye on, but through it all we do it together.  As a family should be.

Happy Father's Day!!!

PS-do you see what Mike is holding in this hand?  It's a pot of succulent plants for his desk at work, requested by him and chosen and planted by the kids.  He already got a brand new bike but  he loves plants.  I love that guy. Here's a close-up ...aren't they pretty?


Krystal said...

This is such a cute post! I love how you talk about a partnership but also the little bumps along the way. There are always surprises and things aren't always peachy, but it's so awesome to know that you have a partner that really does "have your back."

P.S. I would be in heaven if my husband loved plants... or more importantly, loved to plant them all over our yard. I love them but do not have a green thumb! Those plants you guys got him are awesome!