It's happened almost overnight. Taylor is 12, he's wearing deodorant and I see the beginnings of clogged pores on his pre-teen face. This week we go to middle school orientation. We sold his bunk bed yesterday. After 3 hours on craigslist, it went to a nice family with 5 children (I later found the original receipt, did they ever get a great deal!). I am not usually a person attached to things, but selling this bunk bed symbolized a new season as a Mom to my boy. When we moved to Boise, he was only 4 and a little reluctant to leave his room, his house, his friends and his little co-op pre-school he loved. So we did what any parent would do. We bribed him. He really wanted a bunk bed, so we told him as soon as our house was built, we would go shopping. And we picked out a very nice bed for him. And then he grew and grew and the bed was too small, especially when you have a dog sleeping with you. It seems like all of a sudden this growing young boy is not so little and much more a young adult every day and it makes me sigh. Heavily. And look forward to a new season of learning, growing and enjoying watching Taylor grow up. But not without my sentimental thinking. Heavy sigh.
I bought Alley cat a collar with a tag on it. So now he is micro-chipped, and collared. No wondering where and who he belongs to. He is not so happy with the collar, at all. As an established street cat & mouser, wearing a collar is quite the slap in the face. But so is spending the night in the animal shelter.
Hannah was picked to part of the Principal's Pack. Students are selected by teachers for exhibiting respect toward others and being a good friend, etc. She got breakfast with the principal and a sticker and shirt! She was so excited. Her teacher said, "I think you are a wonderful, special person and I appreciate how you show respect to me and to your friends." I was so proud of her! She also just moved up to Level 4 in Gymnastics.
Taylor's basketball team is undefeated for their season, playoffs are Saturday. Exciting stuff!
I think that's it-here are pictures-unorganized as they are.
valentine's day pink heart pancakes |
Hannah has officially become the pancake maker |
here is what the kids look like every school morning-eating and reading. I am not needed, I'll just go back to bed. |
I just love this. |
We have a wipeboard that I started writing positive messages on. Lately I opened it up to other family members to express their thoughts, the only rule is is has to be uplifting and positive. Hannah has taken over. In case you can't read it says Treat others how you want to be treated. Also a happy birthday message for Taylor. |
I'm really into green smoothies with spinach. Not only delicious but nutritious as well. I also discoved almond milk-good stuff around here! |
We took TAylor to a birthday brunch. Oh my boy. |
Here is the rush to the chocolate fondue at Taylor's birthday. |
Poor kitty after his capture and release. He slept here for approx. 20 hours straight before even moving. |
Mike did a sleep study so was gone for the night, we all snuggled up and read. It was so nice. |
Message 2 from Hannah. |
Vanilla baked pears. Whatever you do, go get some pears and a vanilla bean-this recipe is outrageous good. |
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