Soooo a couple months ago, I found this store called Ulta and I came across this blog. I love the blog-it has really awesome hair tutorials and the very sweet lady behind it who is a stylist reviews make-up and puts together some pretty cute outfits. Normal things for some people who know how to do that stuff and for others like me who can't blow dry their own hair right, a saving grace. Then there's Ulta, the best of beauty supply stores (kicks Sephora's butt), it carries everything from Revlon to expensive brands. I got a facial in there for $20! They are all so nice, will recommend products, put them on you...I have to go with a sponsor!!! So, I've become a quite the product trying queen. Don't mistake, I am a pretty low maintainence girl. I just got my hair cut yesterday after 7 months. But as I get older (I just turned 37 gulp!) I am appreciating good makeup, skincare and haircare products. So I thought I would share my favorite items, it always helps hearing what other people use and what they think of it.
1. BirchBox: this is a subscription that you pay $10 a month for. Every month I get a super cute box full of sample sized beauty products. I really hate buying a big bottle or full size of something and then not liking and being stuck with it and out the $$$. So they send makeup, skincare, & fragrance samples that are pretty good sized that I can try before buying. Genius! It's like getting a gift every month and I love all the packaging and pink lined box.
June's box contained dry shampoo, lipstick, free cute postcards, orange nail polish, hair tie and perfume sample. |
2. The BEST foundation: my skintone has always been uneven (pink cheeks, pale skin and dark circles) and combined with new sun spots (yuck) I decided to venture out of the Bare Minerals and try something with a little more coverage.
Urban Decay, Naked Skin was pricey, $32, but I only use a little bit, it covers amazing, but it feels like I have nothing on. Lasts all day. I've tried many brands and this one is the BEST! I also broke down and bought a really nice foundation brush. I had never heard of the thing but again, LOVE it. It is much better than using your fingers and apply it evenly.
This foundation will transform the way you think about foundation...or you will just like it a lot. |
3. Dry Shampoo-I've always heard it's not good to wash your hair every day, but my hair gets a little oily at the scalp and temples and combine that with no volume and I don't like it. After trying 2 different brands, my hair stylist recommended Loreal Professional Hair Texture. It's a powder you apply to your scalp and blend in-amazing! It absorbs all the oil and adds texture and volume at the roots. This would be great to use when traveling, camping or just when you don't want to wash your hair for a day. $16.50
4. Primer with Sunblock-Tarte's products I'm realizing are all pretty good. Since my foundation didn't have sunblock in it (bad!) and I have really fair skin, I need protection. Enter Tarte's 12 hour primer. This stuff is so soft, only takes a small amount and helps the foundation stay. If I want a minimal look, I can just put this on instead of foundation. I love how it feels and it's got SPF 30. $29 (I think)
5. Mascara-I'll never use another brand. I was running out of mascara and went into Ulta and asked the sweet girl there which mascara she would recommend. She said Benefit's They're Real! was not only her favorite but the WORLD'S best selling mascara. Well ring me up!! I got the small tube that was $10, a little pricey but my eyelashes are worth it. The brush has a million bristles and this stuff thickens, lengthens-you name it! It's the all in one of mascaras. LOVE IT!

6. Perfume Let me first say I. don't. wear. perfume. Until now, that is. I have a super strong sniffer and most perfume's leave me with a big fat headache. So normally I am a user of Bath and Body Works scented lotions and sprays or the ones by Victoria's Secret. However, my last trip in Ulta (I told you I go there a little too much) had me in the Philosophy section trying their perfumes. Amazing Grace was awesome but their Love Sweet Love was really light, sweet, a little floral, feminie and very underwhelming. My nose approved and I've been wearing it everyday for a week headache free. It was my birthday present and with it came a free sample set of their face cleanser and shower gel. The face cleaner, Purity, is fabulous. It can clean off the eye make-up as well. I might be switching from Clinique. I'm probably slow on the Philosophy thing but I believe I'll like the product line. $44
7. Eyebrow wax from Benefit (Available at Ulta) I knew my eyebrows were really out of control, it had been about 2 years since they were last shaped. Wow, the Benefit lady, Ciara, was AMAZING. She spent like 30 minutes on my eyebrows. She drew lines, and more lines, conditioned, waxed, clipped & primed. I never knew you could do so much with eyebrow hair, but my brows got a much needed makeover. Sorry I won't share pictures of my before and after-I was a little too Groucho Marks. $20
So there you go, if you have any questions, PLEASE comment, just remember I am NOT an expert. I'm still amazed I know what dry shampoo is and foundation primer!!
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