Tuesday, December 1, 2009

seattle puzzle

It is officially December 1st and I am starting to feel the winter of the season. Hannah and I sat down the last three days and put together this puzzle, it was really hard. Really. I have never been a jig saw puzzler, just haven't had the attention, focus or patience but I got this one out that my sister gave me a couple years ago and was determined to finish it-after all on Thanksgiving weekend, what else is there to do? I was determined to show the kids to not give up. Hannah hung in there with me, and Taylor had no interest. I have been trying since that kid was a toddler to interest him in puzzles, but I think I get it now, he doesn't like them. Now I'm ready for another one-maybe 1,000 pieces. It is a perfect winter activity, along with reading and crafting...I think I feel those knitting needles calling me.

Maybe this is why I love fall and winter, the coziness of all being nestled inside together, warm and safe. Taylor, Hannah and I had a great time last week making origami "fortune tellers"...remember back in grade school, the little four pocketed pieces of paper that you wrote messages inside and colors on the outside,and put your fingers into? Taylor's "fortunes" were hilarious: from winning a trillion dollars to being eaten by a shark they were very creative. He was the smart one and showed Hannah and I how to make them. Hannah wasn't so interested in the fortunes as the colors and how it looked on the outside.
This weekend is our annual gingerbread house project-this year it's a village. I love buying those kits and not having to attempt to actually making the gingerbread.

Happy December!